Who are our clients you ask? They are mothers, fathers, grandparents, non-traditional savvy, tech savvy...or not so tech savvy, conquerors, passionate, vibrant, English as second language, inhabit various learning styles, determined, first generation college students, transitioning from high school to college, multi-taskers, working individuals, diverse, eager, strong, thoughtful, and many other wonderful things!
What we know is our clients intentionally seek out the best resources to gain the greatest advantage at conquering nursing school and their state licensure examination. Our clients are from many states all across America and they have intentionally made a conscious decision to join our family, to become an Impact Nurse.
While there are many NCLEX prep and tutoring resources to choose from, we are always excited when clients choose a company such as ours that staffs experienced educators and nurse tutors to help them succeed!
To our clients who have gone on to become professional nurses helping during a crucial time in our society, we SALUTE you and we forever congratulate you on your accomplishment!
There are nurses all over the world that has conquered NCLEX and soon, you will too! We will welcome you!
Our Motto: Once an Impact Nurse, always an Impact Nurse!